SouthChina University of Technology invites applications and nominations from abroadfor the position of Dean of our newly-established International School ofAdvanced Materials.
Directlyaffiliated to the Ministry of Education, South China University of Technology(SCUT) is one of China’s top 39 universities supported by Project 985. Afterover 60 years of development, SCUT has become a comprehensive research university,with disciplines covering science, engineering, business management, arts,social sciences, etc. In 2015, it was ranked among the top 400 worlduniversities according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s ARWU, and also madeits debut on the 500 Best Global Universities according to U.S. News & World Report. For more information: http://en.scut.edu.cn/
Thisschool is part of the Network of International Centers for Education in China(NICE), which was co-launched by the State Administration of Foreign ExpertsAffairs of China (SAFEA) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2013. NICEsupports universities to establish their own highly international school byintroducing an international faculty team led by a foreign dean, as well as aset of special policies. It is an ambitious effort to help Chinese universitiesexplore an innovative mode of development for education, research, andadministration, incorporating western higher education practices into China. Upto and including 2014, 13 schools of this kind have been authorized acrossChina.
This newschool will be built on part of the academic strength of the School ofMaterials Science and Engineering (SMSE). With 278 faculty and staff members(including 85 full-time professors and 88 associate professors and researchers),SMSE conducts research in the fields of optoelectronic materials and devices,special glass fiber materials and laser, electric materials, functional polymers,rubber and plastics, ceramics and concrete, biomedical materials, and so on. Itboasts a State Key Laboratory, a National Engineering Research Center, two Key Laboratoriesof Ministry of Education, and four Key Laboratories of Guangdong Province. In2014, SMSE had more than 300 SCI papers published in top journals including Science, Nat. Photonics, Adv. Mater.,Small, APL, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew Chem., etc. It also obtained scientificresearch fund of about 20 million USD and 128 patents. For more information: http://www.scut.edu.cn/smse/
Job Descriptionand Qualifications:
TheDean serves as the chief academic and administrative officer of the school. Heor she is required to build up the faculty and researchers team, and to raisefunds on a national and international level, and to set up proper education fromBachelor to Doctorate Level.
Astrong record of accomplishment as a scholar, coupled with a commitment toresearch as the foundation for learning, teaching, and practical application;
Creativeleadership and administrative experience in an academic setting;
Excellentcommunication, problem-solving, and negotiation skills;
Acommitment and ability to lead substantial development and fund raisingefforts; and
Atleast PhD degree in material science and engineering, best in optoelectronics.
Location:Guangzhou, China
Salary and benefit:
The whole package will be negotiable up tothe applicant background and is very competitive compare with the same level.
How to Apply forthe Job:
Applicantswill be required to send a covering letter/supporting statement, including abrief statement of research interests (describing how past experience andfuture plans fit with the advertised position), and CV as part of application. Applicationsshould be emailed to Ms. Liu Yang:
Closing Date: 30November 2015