Belle: Papa?
Father: How on earth did that happen? Doggone(他媽的) it!
Belle: Are you all right, papa?
Father: I am about ready to give up on this hunk(大塊) of junk(垃圾).
Belle: You always say that.
Father: I mean it this time. I’ll never get this boneheaded(笨重的) contraption(裝置) to work.
Belle: Yes, you will and you’ll win the first prize at the fair tomorrow.
Father: Humph!
Belle: And become a world-famous inventor.
Father: You really believe that?
Belle: I always have.
Father: Well, what are we waiting for? I’ll have this thing fixed in no time. Hand me that, uh…dog-legged clincher(緊鉗), there. So did you have a good time in town today?
Belle: I got a new book. Papa, do you think I am odd(奇怪的)?
Father: My daughter? Odd? Where would you get an idea like that?
Belle: Oh, I don’t know. It’s just that I am not sure I fit in here. There is no one I can really talk to.
Father: What about that Gaston? He is a handsome fellow.
Belle: He is handsome, all right, and rude, and conceited(自以為是的), and… oh, papa, he is not for me.
Father: Well, don’t you worry. ’cause this invention’s going to be the start of a new life for us. I think that’s done it. Now let’s give it a try.