private type browseinfo
hwndowner as long
pidlroot as long
pszdisplayname as long
lpsztitle as long
ulflags as long
lpfncallback as long
lparam as long
iimage as long
end type
private declare function shgetpathfromidlist lib shell32.dll _
alias shgetpathfromidlista (byval pidl as long, _
byval pszpath as string) as long
private declare function shbrowseforfolder lib shell32.dll _
alias shbrowseforfoldera (lpbrowseinfo as browseinfo) as long
private declare function lstrcat lib kernel32 _
alias lstrcata (byval lpstring1 as string, _
byval lpstring2 as string) as long
private declare function oleinitialize lib ole32.dll _
(lp as any) as long
private declare sub oleuninitialize lib ole32 ()
private const bif_usenewui = &h40
private const max_path = 260
public function getfolder_api(stitle as string, optional vflags as variant) as string
dim lpidlist as long
dim sbuffer as string
dim binfo as browseinfo
if ismissing(vflags) then vflags = bif_usenewui
call oleinitialize(byval 0&)
with binfo
.lpsztitle = lstrcat(stitle, )
.ulflags = vflags
end with
lpidlist = shbrowseforfolder(binfo)
if (lpidlist) then
sbuffer = space(max_path)
shgetpathfromidlist lpidlist, sbuffer
sbuffer = left(sbuffer, instr(sbuffer, vbnullchar) - 1)
if sbuffer <> then getfolder_api = sbuffer
end if
call oleuninitialize
end function
sub test()
msgbox getfolder_api(選擇文件夾)
end sub
sub getfloder_shell()
set objshell = createobject(shell.application)
set objfolder = objshell.browseforfolder(0, 選擇文件夾, 0, 0)
if not objfolder is nothing then
msgbox objfolder.self.path
end if
set objfolder = nothing
set objshell = nothing
end sub
sub getfloder_filedialog()
dim fd as filedialog
set fd = application.filedialog(msofiledialogfolderpicker)
if fd.show = -1 then msgbox fd.selecteditems(1)
set fd = nothing
end sub