A:I'd like to buy a bottle of Centrum, a tooth brushes.我要買一瓶善存、一個牙刷。
B:Centrum? We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets. Which kind do you want?善存?我們有30粒裝和100粒裝的。你要哪一種?
A:Give me one bottle of thirty tablets.我要30粒裝的。
B:And what kind of toothbrushes would you like?你要哪種牙刷?
A:Can I have a look at them?我可以看看嗎?
B:Sure. This brand is supposed to be very good, but they're expensive. Those are new products. They come in several colors and sizes. There is also hard, soft, and medium.當(dāng)然可以。這個牌子的牙刷不錯,不過也很貴。這些是新產(chǎn)品,有各種顏色與大小。還有分硬毛、軟毛,以及軟硬適中三種。
A:Are they cheaper?有比較便宜嗎?
B:This one is 5% off. That one has no reduction, but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes.這種打九五折。那種沒打折,不過買6支免費(fèi)送一支牙膏。