L:Get up as early as six o'clock only to be jammed at every crossroad and still late for work. What a life! I've had enough of it.
J:Cool down, man. Everyone is fed up with the rush-hour traffic. But life isn't really all that. You should take the initiative and make some changes first.
L:What should I do then?
J:I recommend you ride a bike instead of commuting by bus. It may offer you many beneits. First, it's good for your health. I'm afraid it's not necessary for me to further elaborate. While lots of people spend time like an hour each morning exercising, a bike ride to work not only builds you up, but also makes full use of time. You might as well sleep out for a longer hour.
L:I know cycling is always a more favorable choice than a bus. After all, it's a sport. But do you think it a pleasant experience to take in the dirty, pollued air on the road?
J:Well, such things are just unavoidable in a great metropolis like Beijing. I think a still more desirable benefit is psychological. Bicycling home after work can help release your stress. Life in the offices is miserable. You just sit there in a daze, gazing at the monitor and dealing with files and documents. Why don't you give a full play to your energy after work? Enjoy the speed on the road. Just think, you are falshing past the poles with your own energy. How great!