來(lái)源:太倉(cāng)人才網(wǎng) 閱讀:1027 次 日期:2012-08-22 11:46:58






215400 中國(guó),江蘇省,太倉(cāng)市,朝陽(yáng)東路3號(hào),香塘發(fā)展大廈5樓






1. 公司日常行政管理的運(yùn)作;

2. 負(fù)責(zé)各類會(huì)務(wù)的安排工作;

3. 公司網(wǎng)站的維護(hù)更新;

4. 公司物業(yè)租賃及管理,包括公共區(qū)域環(huán)境的衛(wèi)生、保潔及綠化

5. 保證辦公服務(wù)的及時(shí)供應(yīng):如飲用水,辦公設(shè)備維修,員工班車,午餐等

6. 合理統(tǒng)籌安排公司車輛,并有效管理

7. 保證公司運(yùn)營(yíng)資質(zhì)的及時(shí)更新并保證其有效性

8. 保證內(nèi)部行政支持服務(wù)提供的質(zhì)量及效率

9. 做好公司重大活動(dòng)的后勤支持

10. 公司對(duì)外相關(guān)職能部門關(guān)系的維護(hù)和協(xié)調(diào)

11. 完成上級(jí)交給的其它事務(wù)性工作


1. 大學(xué)本科學(xué)歷以上,生物醫(yī)藥等相關(guān)專業(yè)優(yōu)先;

2. 熟悉操作各種辦公軟件;

3. 有3年以上相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗(yàn);

4. 有責(zé)任心,較強(qiáng)的溝通協(xié)調(diào)以及語(yǔ)言表達(dá)能力;

5. 能吃苦耐勞,具有土建工程監(jiān)工經(jīng)驗(yàn)優(yōu)先。

6. 具有良好的駕駛經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

二、項(xiàng)目管理部門,主管或經(jīng)理 (Supervisor/Manager, Project Management)


1. 負(fù)責(zé)組織、管理新藥研發(fā)項(xiàng)目,尤其是協(xié)調(diào)跟進(jìn)各個(gè)生物醫(yī)藥CRO外包供應(yīng)商相關(guān)工作,以快速推進(jìn)各項(xiàng)臨床前研究工作進(jìn)展、遞交臨床研究批文(IND)申報(bào)、直至組織開(kāi)展及協(xié)調(diào)相關(guān)藥物I期臨床試驗(yàn)研究工作

2. 建立相關(guān)機(jī)制及流程以合理管理項(xiàng)目的運(yùn)營(yíng)

3. 組織申報(bào)各級(jí)政府基金及參與為公司獲得各級(jí)政府相關(guān)資源的支持

4. 組織準(zhǔn)備和接待政府部門及相關(guān)客戶的檢查,配合相關(guān)系統(tǒng)認(rèn)證工作


1. 相關(guān)本科或同等學(xué)歷以上文化程度,生物醫(yī)藥及制藥相關(guān)專業(yè)則更佳

2. 優(yōu)秀的組織協(xié)調(diào)及人際交流能力,良好的自我激勵(lì)素質(zhì)及上進(jìn)心,邏輯及條理性好、并有良好的抗壓能力

3. 3年以上(醫(yī)藥行業(yè))項(xiàng)目協(xié)調(diào)、運(yùn)營(yíng)及管理經(jīng)驗(yàn),具有新藥臨床前項(xiàng)目管理及臨床批文申報(bào)經(jīng)驗(yàn)者優(yōu)先考慮錄用

4. 熟悉OFFICE系列辦公軟件,熟練project及excel的實(shí)戰(zhàn)應(yīng)用,英文六級(jí)以上

三、 Director/Senior Director (Platform Technology)


Provide scientific leadership and strategies for the development and implementation of the company’s Platform Technology

Build a multidisciplinary team and ensure timely and high quality completion of research and development tasks

Play a key role in establishing external collaborations and in communicating the company’s technological capability to collaborators and partners

Qualifications and requirements:

Extensive experiences in GPCR drug discovery, entrepreneurship spirit and determination highly desirable

PhD or MS degree in one of the following fields: immunology, cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology with at least 6 years of experiences in the biopharmaceutical industry

Strong records of success as evidenced by peer-reviewed scientific papers, patent grants, and/or products such as drug candidates or implemented technologies

Broad expertise in cellular immunology, molecular biology, protein biochemistry, cell based assays and high throughput screen

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

四、 Group Leader/Associate Director (Cellular Immunology)


Optimize and establish standard operating protocols using wide range of cellular immunology techniques

Recruit, train and supervise an expanding group of scientists and associates to build a highly effective team supporting the company’s mission in technological innovation

Serve as a group representative at the Platform Technology Leadership Team; propose and implement novel strategies to augment the company’s core technology


PhD or MS degree in immunology or microbiology or relevant field with at least 5 years of post-graduate experience in an academic or industry setting

Strong records of publications as evidenced by peer-reviewed scientific papers

Strong expertise in all aspects of cellular immunology particularly in flow cytometry, leukocyte isolation and characterization using magnetic beads, cytotoxicity assays (Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and complement-mediated cytotoxicity)

Experience in antibody characterization and drug discovery highly desirable

Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills

五、 Group Leader (Protein Biochemistry)


Optimize and establish standard operating protocols using a wide range of molecular biology techniques

Recruit, train and supervise an expanding group of scientists and associates to build a highly effective team supporting the company’s mission in technological innovation

Serve as a group representative at the Platform Technology Leadership Team; propose and implement novel strategies to augment the company’s technology capability


PhD or MS degree in molecular biology or relevant field with at least 5 years of post-graduate experience in an academic or industry setting

Strong records of publications as evidenced by peer-reviewed scientific papers

Hands-on experience in all aspects of molecular biology including molecular cloning, PCR, mutagenesis, gene shuffling, vector construction, transfection and protein expression

Knowledge of immunoglobulin gene and human antibody library construction highly desirable

Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills

六、 Group Leader (Protein Biochemistry)


Optimize and establish standard operating protocols using a wide range of protein chemistry and biochemistry techniques

Recruit, train and supervise an expanding group of scientists and associates to build a highly effective team supporting the company’s mission in technological innovation

Serve as a group representative at the Platform Technology Leadership Team; propose and implement novel strategies to augment the company’s core technology


PhD or MS degree in protein chemistry or biochemistry or relevant field with at least 5 years of post-graduate experience in an academic or industry setting

Strong records of publications as evidenced by peer-reviewed scientific papers

Hands-on experience in all aspects of protein biochemistry particularly protein purification, structural modeling, protein and peptide bioanalytical techniques.

Experience on antibody drug discovery highly desirable

Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills

七、 Group Leader (Cell Based Assay and HTS) 項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理


Optimize and establish standard operating protocols using a wide range of cellular biology techniques focusing on cell-based assays and high-throughput screening

Recruit, train and supervise an expanding group of scientists and associates to build a highly effective team supporting the company’s mission in technological innovation

Serve as a group representative at the Platform Technology Leadership Team; propose and implement novel strategies to augment the company’s technology capability


PhD or MS degree in cell biology, biochemistry or relevant field with at least 5 years of post-graduate experience in an academic or industry setting

Strong records of publications as evidenced by peer-reviewed scientific papers

Hands-on experience in cell culture, white blood cell isolation and characterization, generating and maintenance of cell lines, liquid handling workstation, small scale protein production in bacterial and mammalian cell expression systems

Experience on antibody drug discovery highly desirable

Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills


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聯(lián)系電話:0871-65317125(9:00—18:00) 獲取招聘考試信息及咨詢關(guān)注公眾號(hào):hfpxwx