1. 碩士以上學(xué)歷,康復(fù)醫(yī)學(xué)或相關(guān)專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)及工作背景;
2. 具有副教授以上職稱,在國內(nèi)外康復(fù)醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)域具有一定影響力。
Tongji University
School of Medicine
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Department Chair Position Announcement
Based on our current need for future development of rehabilitation medicine in China, our school is intended to openly recruit a full-time department chair with a strong Physical Therapy oriented educational background and leadership experience who can meet the specific qualifications and fulfill all the job responsibilities as indicated below:
I.Job qualifications:
a)Hold a Master degree or above (e.g. PhD, EdD, or DSc), with relevant professional training and working experience in area of rehabilitation medicine, esp. related to Physical Therapy.
b)Hold a proven title of Associate professor or above, with a national and international academic reputation in the area of rehabilitation medicine.
II.Job Responsibilities:
a)Establish and manage the department of rehabilitation medicine and recruit required faculty members.
b)Implement the strategic planning and goal setting for the department and administrate the educational, research, service and clinical practice programs.
c)Build up and utilize the foundation for academic and clinical education in rehabilitation medicine..
d)Actively engage in international collaboration and cooperation for the development of rehabilitation medicine.
Review of applications will begin immediately, and the position will remain opened until filled. Application (letter of intent addressing qualifications for the position, working experience and research interests, curriculum vitae in both Chinese and English and the names of three references) should be directed electronically to: yixueyuan@#edu.cn. All application materials will be strictly kept confidentially.
Tongji University School of Medicine
Jan. 6th, 2014