2015 College Board-Hanban Chinese Guest Teacher Program
The Chinese Guest Teacher Program is a collaboration between Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters in China and the College Board in the United States. Since the program was launched in 2006, more than 1000 teachers from China have been assigned to teach in U.S. schools. Selected teachers will be assigned to teach Chinese language and culture classes in senior high school (grades 9-12), middle school (grades 6-8), or elementary school (grades K-5) in urban, suburban, or rural areas in the United States. It is possible that teachers will be assigned to teach: classes in more than one school, students in different grades and language levels, Chinese immersion classes, and classes on Chinese culture, history, literature and/or other related subjects.
Application Deadline: Nobember 15, 2014
Teacher Qualifications
More than three (3) years of full-time language teaching experience by June 2015
Bachelor’s degree (or higher) in education, Chinese, English, International Studies, or other related fields
Teaching certificate in China, i.e., licensed to teach in China
Standard Mandarin (Putonghua) Certificate
Advanced proficiency in verbal and written English
Strong knowledge and skills in foreign language pedagogy, classroom management and communications
Active personality and teaching styles
Openness to new experiences, cultural differences, and working with others
Willingness to adapt to different environments, overcome challenges, and be away from friends and family for extended periods of time
Stable physical and mental health
Program Benefits
Valuable personal experience living in the U.S. and working in the U.S. education system
Opportunities to work with the leading education organizations from China and the U.S. and to attend professional teacher training workshops and conferences in the U.S.
Opportunities to improve English proficiency, enhance pedagogical knowledge and skills, and collect authentic teaching materials from the U.S.
One free round-trip air ticket between China and the U.S. destination annually
Life and Accident Insurance provided by Hanban ; Health Insurance provided by U.S. school
A compensation package, which includes a monthly stipend and a one-time settling-in stipend from Hanban as well as a partial salary from the host school
The total compensation package (Hanban stipend + U.S. school partial salary) is commensurate to that of a U.S. teacher with similar responsibilities and a similar education background who is teaching full time at the same institution.
Teacher Responsibilities
All guest teachers are required to:
Comply with all applicable U.S. and Chinese laws and policies of the host school, Hanban and program.
Work as a full-time teacher at the host institution. General duties consist of: teaching, lesson preparation, program development, curriculum design, materials development, cultural enrichment activities, communication with the school community, professional development activities, and other duties as assigned. Serve as a cultural ambassador to promote awareness of Chinese culture to the school and local community, and serve as a resource person to share your knowledge and encourage students' interest in Chinese.
Build positive relationships with students, colleagues, and parents, and participate actively in the school and local community.
Return to China at the end of service in the Chinese Guest Teacher Program.
Program Timeline
The timeline of acceptance in the Chinese Guest Teacher Program is a multi-step process. First, a candidate is notified whether he/she has passed the interview stage and is accepted into the teacher candidate pool. Upon receiving this notification, a candidate must confirm his/her willingness to remain in the pool for a potential assignment. The next step is to prepare documents for a J-1 visa application and participate in a required Hanban training program. Only candidates who pass the training exam are considered for acceptance by the program. Candidates can choose to withdraw from the program before signing a program agreement with their U.S. host school.
Final placement and program participation is subject to the guest teacher’s acceptance into the program, agreement to the terms outlined in the school’s offer letter that includes the compensation package, and receipt of a suitable visa to enter the United States. The compensation package is non-negotiable and will be disclosed after the guest teacher has been accepted by the program. Teachers who choose to decline the school’s offer letter and compensation package will be placed on a waitlist to await pending positions. Waitlist teachers are not guaranteed a position.
Jan. 2015 Attend the first round of Chinese guest teacher candidate interviews
Mar. 2015 Attend the second round of Chinese guest teacher candidate interviews
Prepare required documents for J-1 visa
Apr. 2015Receive interview result of acceptance into teacher candidate pool
Confirm willingness to wait for a potential position assignment
May-June 2015Attend training
Notification of final status in Program; sign program agreements confirming assignment
June-July 2015Preparation for visa interview; attend U.S. Embassy visa interview in Beijing
July 2015 Depart for the U.S.
Aug. 2015-June 2016 Teach at the assigned U.S. host school(s)
Aug. 2016-June 2018 (Optional) Renew program agreement and continue teaching at assigned U.S. host school(s), if both parties (host institution and teacher) agree.
Please contact Hanban directly for questions related to the program and the application process.
Email: qingfengqiao@hanban.org