Claude Monet, the French, cried, “Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.” Swiss artist Paul Klee wrote, “Color possesses me.” Monet and Klee weren’t just philosophizing. Scientists have found that colors shape moods and emitions. For example, red-walled rooms may induce anxiety and anger, while green tones may calm the nerves. Given a pigment’s power, writers and poets should embrace color with as much abandon as painters.
The very notion of “color” has a myriad of meanings. A resolute person “sticks to his colors”. Picturesque stories have “a lot of color.” “Colorful language” is distinctive and vivid. The tonal quality is “color”. At a flag raising, the soldiers “salute the colors”. Whites used to call non-Caucasians “coloreds”--a slur that backfired when Blacks retorted by calling Caucasians “people without color”.
In fact, more expressive than the word “color” are the colors themselves. Blue, the color of the vast sea and sky, is by extension the hue of the infinite, of remote distances and times. A seagull soars into “the blue”. Unexpected guests “pop in out of the blue”. In the 16th century, Ben Johnson wrote, “Blueness doth express trueness,” because blue also means patrician. Moralists pass “blue laws”; and aristocrats are “blue bloods”. For us common folk, blue may mirror the melancholy of mortals dwarfed by the infinite. A businessman away from home on Christmas “has the blues”; a grumbler “sings the blues”; a jilted lover “sings the blues”.
Red is passion and action, the color of Mars, named for the Roman god of war. A communist is a “Red”. Reporters vie for “red-hot” scoops. Honored guests get the “red carpet treatment”. Red also has negative connotations. We are “red-faced” when angry or embarrassed. Police sometimes catch thieves “red-handed”. A “red nose” drinks too much. A “red herring” diverts attention from the main issue. A failing business runs “in the red”. A “red eye special” is a cheap but exhausting overnight flight.
White implies freedom from spots, blemishes, or moral impurity. G. K. Chesterton waxed lyrical, “White…is not a mere absence of color, it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black…. God paints in many colors; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white.” We wave the “white flag” to call a truce, surrender, or show we are unarmed. A “white lie” is a harmless untruth, while “white magic” is good magic. White may conjure up negative images as well. Although “l(fā)ily white” implies purity, “white as a sheet” denotes terror (the sheet evoking images of shrouded ghosts). A “white elephant” is something of dubious value or a rare artifact that is a burden to maintain. Cowards “show the white feather”. A “white chip” stock is of minimal value (as opposed to coveted “blue chip” stocks or, in Hong Kong, the “red chip”).
The Black leader Malcom X complained that White men’s dictionaries glorify white and Whites, but vilify black and Blacks as tainted and evil. Thus, “black deeds” become evil acts, “black thoughts” are gloomy; a “black look” betrays anger. The dissolute “black sheep” of the family may succumb to “blackmail”. We fear the witch’s “black cat”.
黑人領(lǐng)袖馬爾科姆曾經(jīng)抱怨說:白人的詞典贊美白色和白人,而把黑色和黑人詆毀成下流、邪惡。因此,“black acts”成了邪惡的行為;“black thoughts”是悲觀的思想;“black look”是(表示生氣、厭惡或憎恨的)瞪眼、怒容、慍色;家中放蕩的“害群之馬、敗類”可能會對他人進(jìn)行“敲詐、勒索”;我們都懼怕女巫的“妖術(shù)”。
Green is the color of spring and nature. Federico Garcia Lorca, Spanish poet and playwright, wrote: “Green, how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches.” An environmentalist is a “Green”, and people with a knack for growing plants have “green thumbs”. Green, the color of spring growth, also reminds us of youthful naivete. A “green hand” is fresh and inexperienced, and “green horns” are na?ve, easily deceived, and unfamiliar with the ways of a place or group. Green may even imply weakness. A pale or sickly child is “green around the gills”.
綠色是春天,是大自然的顏色。西班牙詩人和劇作家費德里哥·加西亞·洛爾卡曾寫道:“綠色,我多么需要你呀綠色。綠色的風(fēng)。綠色的樹枝?!币粋€環(huán)境保護(hù)論者是個“綠化論者”;具有園藝技能的人擁有“綠手指”。綠色,初春嫩綠的顏色,又使人想起年輕時的天真幼稚。“green hand”是沒經(jīng)驗的新手;“green horns”是幼稚、易受欺騙的人,對某處或某一群體還未熟悉。綠色甚至可以意味著虛弱。一個蒼白、病態(tài)的孩子是“面露病容的”。
Every color on the linguistic palette, from patrician blue and angry red to royal purple, is pregnant with meaning--but the image birthed depends on the languages used. In English, “black gown” originally meant the college gown and later became a figurative expression fro a learned person or a scholar. In Chinese, “black gown” refers to a “yamen runner” in feudal China, and “green cloth” is China’s equivalent of “scholar”. In China the Emperor or the influential people in temples don the “yellow gown”, while the Roman emperor and the archbishop wear the “purple”. Chinese might swagger at being called a “Red”, but Americans would cringe. Chinese “red tea” is, for English speakers, “black tea” (though to my unsophisticated eye it’s neither). Chinese “white water” is actually just boiled water, sans tea, coffee or anything else, never to be confused with the English “white coffee”, which means coffee with milk or cream. “Brown sugar” is “red sugar” into Chinese eyes. If an American is beaten “black and blue”, a Chinese will always find him “green and purple”. Jealous Chinese are “red-eyed”, yet jealous Americans are “green eyed (red-eyed suggests weepy or sleepy)”. In China, a lucky day is a yellow day; in America it is a “red-letter day”. A Chinese “blue book” is a chief source for later work. In English, a blue book is the social register for bluebloods, a blank booklet for college exams, a government publication, or the U. S. Air Force project for studying flying saucers.
在語言這塊調(diào)色板上的每一種顏色,從顯貴的藍(lán)色、帶怒的紅色到皇家的紫色,都孕育著個中之意,但所產(chǎn)生的確切意象則有賴于所使用的確何種語言。在英語中,“black gown(黑色的寬大長外衣)”原為一些大學(xué)生的服裝,后來人們借指有學(xué)問的人、學(xué)者。而漢語中的“black gown(皂衣)”則指的是封建時代中國的“衙役”;“green cloth(青衿)”才相當(dāng)于“學(xué)者”。中國的皇帝及寺院中有權(quán)勢者穿的是“黃袍”,而羅馬皇帝與大主教則身著“紫袍”。中國人被人說成“走紅”,可能會神氣十足,而美國人聽了一定會感到畏縮不安;中國人的“紅茶(red tea)”,對說英語的外國人來說卻是“black tea”,(雖然在我這個不諳世故的眼里看來,它們既不紅也不黑);中國人的“白開水(white water)”,事實上是不加茶葉、咖啡或任何其它東西的開水,萬不能與英文的“white coffee”相混淆,“white coffee”是加牛奶或奶油的咖啡?!癰rown sugar”在中國人眼里則成為“紅糖”,一個美國人明明被打得“青腫的、淤血的(black and blue)”,中國人卻說成“青一塊、紫一塊”(green and purple)”;嫉妒的中國人是“眼紅(red-eyed)”,而嫉妒的美國人則是“green-eyed(嫉妒的、妒忌的;在美國人看來red-eyed意味著落淚或乏困)”。在中國,幸運日稱為黃道吉日;但在美國,喜慶日卻是“red-letter day”。漢語中,“藍(lán)本(blue book)”指的是一著作所根據(jù)的底本,而英語a blue book可以用作社會上記錄貴族的名冊、大學(xué)考試成績的空白登記本,也可以是政府公開發(fā)表的文件,或是美國空軍研究飛碟的計劃書。
Chinese wear white for mourning, Americans don black. American brides wear white, the color of purity and virginity, while Chinese brides might dress in red for good luck--shocking those Americans who associate red attire with prostitution.
Chinese “yellow literature” is pornography, and not to be confused with the English “yellow journalism”--sensationalist journalism. Pornographic films in America are “blue movies”, not “yellow movies”.
漢語里的“黃色文學(xué)作品”是色情文學(xué),不能與英語的“yellow journalism”混為一談——后者指的是采用聳人聽聞手法的報刊雜志的文章;美國的色情電影是“blue movies”,而不是“yellow movies”。
Proper cross-cultural use of color is challenging but rewarding for a language learner. So take up the linguistic palette and the pen, and live language as you live life--not in black and white but in vivid color.