來源:易賢網(wǎng) 閱讀:1850 次 日期:2018-01-16 15:04:19

招商銀行成立于 1987 年,總部位于中國深圳,是一家在上海、香港兩地上市的大型企業(yè)。2017年招商銀行位列英國權威金融雜志《銀行家》全球銀行品牌排名第12位,并以2090.25億元的營業(yè)收入位列《財富》中國500強榜單第30名,在國內所有銀行中排名第五。


founded in 1987, china merchants bank (cmb) is headquartered in shenzhen china, which is a large enterprise listed in shanghai and hong kong. in 2017, cmb ranked 12th in the global banking brands of the uk's authoritative financial magazine the banker, and ranked in the 30th place in the fortune 500 china with more than 209 billion rmb revenue, which is the fifth in all the domestic banks.

cmb has always adhered to the "compliance first" concept, enhancing aml capacity in accordance with the highest international aml standards and the best international aml practices, committed to building a world-class aml compliance bank. now cmb is seeking the following aml talents globally:



1. 利用fintech最新技術,研究設計反洗錢人工智能分析系統(tǒng);

2. 不斷優(yōu)化、設計反洗錢監(jiān)測分析模型。


1. 年齡35周歲以下,重點大學碩士研究生(含)以上學歷,計算機與科學技術類專業(yè)方向;

2. 三年以上相關工作經(jīng)驗;

3. 具有良好的職業(yè)道德,品行端正,無不良記錄,具備較強的工作責任心和團隊精神,能承擔較大的工作挑戰(zhàn)和壓力;

4. 有國際大型銀行從業(yè)經(jīng)歷者、反洗錢監(jiān)管者、或熟悉銀行系統(tǒng)設計開發(fā)經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先。


aml system administrator (ai analyzing system design)

job description

1. use fintech to design ai analyzing system of aml.

2. keep designing and improving aml transaction monitoring and analyzing model.

job requirements

1. master’s (or above) degree in computer science and technology or related area from a four-year key university;

2. more than three years related working experience;

3. ethics, integrity required, and no negative records; have strong working responsibility and a sense of teamwork, and capable of taking on daily challenges and pressures.

4. large international banks, aml regulator or banking system development working experience preferred.

job location: shenzhen, china



1. 審核可疑交易報告的合理性,最終確定可疑交易是否報送;

2. 審核可疑交易報告的緊急程度、重要程度和報送方向等;

3. 審定復核崗擬采取的后續(xù)風控措施的合理性、全面性等;

4. 負責組織對重大洗錢案件進行調查,并采取風險控制措施。


1. 年齡35周歲以下,重點大學全日制本科(含)以上學歷,金融、法律專業(yè)方向;

2. 三年以上反洗錢從業(yè)經(jīng)驗;

3. 邏輯思維能力、研究分析能力和文字撰寫能力強;

4. 具有良好的職業(yè)道德,品行端正,無不良記錄;

5. 有國際大型銀行反洗錢從業(yè)經(jīng)歷者、反洗錢監(jiān)管經(jīng)歷者、或有金融機構可疑交易分析經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先。


aml transaction analyst (decision-maker)

job description

1. review rationality of the suspicious transaction report, and determine submission of the suspicious transaction report;

2. verify the urgency and importance of the suspicious transaction report(s) and verify the reporting direction of the suspicious transaction report(s);

3. approve rationality and comprehensiveness of the follow-up risk control measures proposed by the reviewer.

4. be responsible to organize investigation of major money laundering cases, and take risk control measures.

job requirements

1. bachelor’s (or above) degree in finance or legal or related area from a four-year key university;

2. more than three years financial institutions’ anti-money laundering working experience;

3. logical, analytical and writing skills required;

4. ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

5. large international banks, aml regulator or financial institution suspicious transaction analyzing working experience preferred.

job location: chengdu, china



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