重金引進人才之我見My View on Appealing to The Talent Through Money2014-04-15 如何避免孩子變得暴力How to Avoid Children Become Violent2014-04-15 棄研族之我見 My View on Abandoning Grad School2014-04-15 不再有鐵飯碗No More Iron Rice Bowls2014-04-15 彩票的誘惑The Temptation of Lottery2014-04-15 我們應該相信專家嗎?Should We Believe in Specialists?2014-04-15 回憶高中生活(high school memories)2014-04-14 自由騰飛(free to soar)2014-04-14 英文自我介紹2014-04-14 我心目中的父親(my father in my heart)2014-04-14 學生問候父母2014-04-14 愛(love)共三篇2014-04-14 嫉妒與羨慕(from envy to admiration)2014-04-14 男孩女孩(boys and girls)2014-04-14 心酸的記憶(the memory of bitter sweetness)2014-04-14 書籍是最寶貴的財富(books are the most precious fortune)2014-04-14 海洋與天空之間(between the sea and the sky)2014-04-14 窗外的樹(the trees outside my window)2014-04-14 愛和喜歡的區(qū)別(the difference between love and like )2014-04-14 當風吹來的時候(when the wind blows )2014-04-14 茶和中國的茶文化(tea and the tea culture of china)2014-04-14 媽媽的微笑(mom’s smile)2014-04-14 讓我們?yōu)閻勰矶\(let’s pray for love silently )2014-04-14 讓我說聲謝謝(let me say “thank you”)2014-04-14 每一天都是上帝的恩賜(every day is a gift from god)2014-04-14 諷刺與憐憫(irony and pity)2014-04-14 太陽(the sun)2014-04-14 父親給我的禮物(the present my father gave me)2014-04-14 成功的秘訣(the secret of success)2014-04-14 心痛的花費(at the cost of pain)2014-04-14 How to Live in Harmony with Your Roommates2014-04-14 宿舍養(yǎng)寵物之我見My View on Keeping Pets in Dormitory2014-04-11 信用卡的使用 The Use of Credit Card2014-04-11 愚人節(jié)The April Fool’s Day2014-04-11 退休年齡之我見 My View on Retiring Age2014-04-11 有必要存錢嗎? Is It Necessary to Save Money for The Future?2014-04-11 尊敬老人Respect the Old2014-04-11 愛是什么? What is Love?2014-04-11 我們該給乞丐錢么?Should We Give Beggar Money?2014-04-11 遠距離戀愛能長久嗎?Can Distance Love Last Long?2014-04-11 大學圖書館之我見 My View About University Library2014-04-11 上大學前要先工作嗎? Go to Work Before Entering University?2014-04-11 我們應該反對家暴 We Should Against Domestic Violence2014-04-11 習慣與改變 Habits and Changes2014-04-11 該給孩子物質獎勵么?Should We Give Children Material Rewards?2014-04-11 流行歌手的高收入The High Incomes of Pop Singers2014-04-11 世界氣象日The World Meteorological Day2014-04-11 世界水日 The World Water Day2014-04-11 大學生應該去兼職Students Should Be Encouraged to Take Part-time Jobs2014-04-11 世界森林日The World Forest Day2014-04-11 仔細規(guī)劃還是自由安排?Plan Carefully or Plan Nothing at All?2014-04-11 長假的利弊The Pros and Cons of Long Holidays2014-04-11 明日之星—林書豪The Future Star—Jeremy Lin2014-04-11 我們該鼓勵農(nóng)村孩子上大學么?Should We Encourage Rural Children to go to2014-04-11 恐怖主義永遠不會打敗中國 Terrorism will Never Defeat China2014-04-11 3.15消費者日 Consumer Day2014-04-11 如何禁止酒駕? How to Ban Drunken Driving?2014-04-11 對于長期員工的看法 My View on Permanent Employee2014-04-11 多數(shù)人的智慧還是少數(shù)人的智慧Majority’s Wisdom or Minority’s Wisdom2014-04-11