蹩腳口語:let's go
地道口語:let's get cracking
曾經(jīng)是雌雄大盜的狐貍先生和狐貍太太如今金盆洗手,過著平凡人(動(dòng)物)的生活。這是他們平凡一天的開始,妻子張羅著早餐,丈夫想著工作, 孩子鬧別扭……
- Does anybody actually read my column? Do your friends talk about it?
- Of course. In fact, Rabbit's ex-girlfriend said to me, "I should read Foxy's column." But they don't get the Gazette. Ash! Let's get cracking.
- Why would they? It's a rag sheet.
- I'm sick.
- You're not.
- I have a temperature.
- You don't.
- I don't want to go.
- Hurry up. You'll be late.
- I love the way you handled that.