todd: so tara, i see you've just bought a new guitar.
tara: yeah, i have, yeah.
todd: yeah!
tara: it's very nice.
todd: so, what's the reasoning behind buying a guitar?
tara: well, i work at nights so i have the daytime free, and to be honest, most people they work in the day so i'm often on my own, and i just want something to keep me entertained in the daytime, and i don't really like reading books, so i want something to do with my hands, so i thought buying a guitar is a good idea.
todd: do you have any kind of music you would like to sing or learn to play?
tara: i'd like to learn, have you heard, there's some english bands, like cold play and turn break so i'd like to learn that kind of style.
todd: ok. do you plan to take lessons or just learn on your own?
tara: no, well a couple of my friends, they you know, they can... they learned guitar as well. i can't really take lessons in japan. i think that might be a bit too much, but my friends are going to teach me. hopefully. yeah!