Ruth: So, Akane, tell me about your family. Who do you get on well with in your family?
Akane: Well, I think I get along the best with my mother, I would say.
Ruth: So, why is that?
Akane: Well, I think it probably has to do with the fact that we're both female. I mean the only other people in my family are my father and my brother.
Ruth: So, what does your mom look like?
Akane: Well, she's actually taller than me. She has dark hair and a pretty firm build. Um, she's not too thin and not too fat, and yeah!
Ruth: And what does you mom do? Does she have a job?
Akane: Oh, good question. She's actually a hair dresser. (Wow) Yeah, so she does my hair and she's also an aesthetician as well so I get free skin care products from her.
Ruth: Oh, that's fantastic.
Akane: Yeah.
Ruth: So what does your mom like to do when she is not working?
Akane: Well, she used to take sewing lessons, so she really likes to sew things like her own curtains and she even made me some clothes a few times.
Ruth: Wow, so she's talented.
Akane: Yeah, she's quite artistic.
Ruth: So when did you last see your mom or speak to your mom?
Akane: Well, the last time I saw her was this spring. I stayed at my parents house for about a week and, yeah, that's when I saw her.
Ruth: Was that a couple of months ago?
Akane: Yeah, a couple of months ago, that's right.
Ruth: And what was the last thing your mom bought for you?
Akane: Actually, just before I came here, we went shopping together and because I have to fly away to a new country she bought me some new clothes. She bought me a new coat actually.
Ruth: Wow, that's really nice. Well, thanks for that Akane.
Akane: Thanks.