Ask & Learn聞問切英語口語:Look out, watch out
上期說到 look out 和 look out of 的分別,這里順帶一提 look out 本身,如果不帶任何賓語,意思是「小心」、「留意」,與 watch out 同義。例如:
Look out when you cross the street at the corner. Cars sometimes come around suddenly.
至于 look out for、watch out for 后面再加名詞,就把留意的東西也說出來了。
Please watch out for careless mistakes when you go over the numbers.
最后,"look out for one's interest" 是細(xì)心照顧某人的利益。"watch one's back" 就更形象,字面意思是「好好看管某人的背脊」,引伸出來的意思是讓他能勇往直前,無后顧之憂。
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