Larry到小燕工作的“金龍”餐館去找她,發(fā)現(xiàn)餐館里很忙。今天我們要學(xué)兩個常用語,一個是jumping, 一個是joint。
(Sound of a busy restaurant)
LL: Hi, Xiaoyan. I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and say "Hi." -- Wow. This place is jumping!
XY: 沒錯,真是忙死我了,今天是星期五,每到星期五和星期六晚上,這是餐館最忙的時候。
LL: So, Xiaoyan, you obviously know that when a person says a place is "jumping" - they mean it is very busy.
XY: 這我還能不知道,別忘了,我可是餐館的領(lǐng)班。我早就知道,說什么地方j(luò)umping就是客人特別多,生意特別好的意思。
LL: Say, Xiaoyan, I'd like to stay and chat with you, but I know you have a lot of work to do. Is there a time when the restaurant isn't jumping?
XY: 你也知道,金龍是中國城生意最好的餐館,從來就沒有閑的時候。
LL: But surely there are times when "The Golden Dragon" is not as jumping as it is tonight.
XY: 相對來說,星期二晚上客人少一些,你要來吃飯,最好是星期二來。
LL: Okay, I will. See you later, Xiaoyan.
XY: 哎,別急著走??!雖然客人多,但我還是可以休息一小會兒。你等等啊,我跟同事交代一下。(用中文跟另外一位帶位小姐交代,對方用中文回答說,沒問題。)
LL: Are you sure she doesn't mind working for you when the place is jumping, Xiaoyan?
XY: 沒關(guān)系,就幾分鐘的時間,我怎么說也不能讓你白跑一趟啊!
LL: That's nice of you, Xiaoyan. You know, I was hoping to have dinner here at "The Golden Dragon", but I didn't expect that it would be jumping like this. How long is the wait for a table, anyway?
XY: 現(xiàn)在來,差不多要等半個小時,再過一會兒,可能就要等上一個小時才有空位了。
LL: Thirty minutes to an hour? That's too long. Is there anyplace nearby I can have dinner that isn't jumping?
XY: 我聽說街對面那家德國飯館挺不錯的,而且隨時有空位,要不然你去那邊試試看?
LL: Well, I guess I will have to try the German joint, Xiaoyan.
XY: 你剛才說joint, 我以前也經(jīng)常聽人這么說,joint到底是什么意思???
LL: "Joint" is a slang for "place" - and it is often used to refer to restaurants, clubs or other places of entertainment.
XY: 哦,我明白了,joint指的是飯館、酒吧和夜總會這類地方。我今天又學(xué)了個新詞。You should go to the German joint then.
LL: I'm just sad I can't eat at your joint, Xiaoyan. After all, the Golden Dragon is the best Chinese restaurant in town.
XY: 金龍確實是這里最好的中餐館,但是我聽說,對面那家德國餐館真的很不錯,不僅味道正宗,價格也很合理,你不會失望的。
LL: Say, Xiaoyan, maybe I can come back after I have dinner and you get off work, and we can go grab a beer at some joint nearby. What do you think about that?
XY: 好啊,你吃完飯再回來找我,如果到時候,客人沒有那么多了,我就提前下班,咱們一起去喝兩杯。
LL: Okay. See you later!
(Incidental music, door opening sound)
LL: Hello, Xiaoyan.
XY: Larry, 你回來了!Good to see you again.
LL: Good to see you, too, Xiaoyan. So, is this joint still jumping or has business slowed down since earlier this evening?
XY: 現(xiàn)在客人少多了,你等一下,我跟老板打個招呼,就可以走了。
LL: Do you know of any good joints nearby, Xiaoyan, where you can have a beer and listen to music?
XY: 我知道附近有一個愛爾蘭酒吧,可以一邊喝酒一邊聽愛爾蘭音樂,氣氛特別好。
LL: That does sound like fun, Xiaoyan. How do we get to this Irish Pub from here anyway?
XY: 走過去,三條街就到了。
LL: Well, let's hurry over to the Irish joint, Xiaoyan. I could really use a beer!
我們今天學(xué)習(xí)了兩個常用語。一個是jumping, 是指一個地方客人多,生意繁忙。另一個是joint, 是指餐館、酒吧、夜總會和俱樂部等消遣的地方。