蹩腳口語:in the debt
地道口語:in the hole
- got any plans for the long weekend?
- the usual.
- what, getting drunk on cheap whiskey and smashing your fist through a wall?
- jealous?
- no, i understand. fourth of july and all. don't worry about it. i'll get somebody else.
- somebody else for what?
- an open bond just came in. but you know what? your thing sounds a lot more fun. don't worry about it. i mean, i'll find somebody else.
- whoa, hold up, heidi. i need this gig. come on, man, i'm in the hole.
- you're always in the hole.
- what's your point?
- my point is i just don't know if you're the right person for the job. this thing could be a disaster.
- 周末有什么計劃么?
- 和平時一樣啊。
- 啥?喝廉價酒然后垂墻?
- 嫉妒吧?
- 不羨慕,我理解。國慶節(jié)神馬的。那你就別上心了,我回頭找別人。
- 找別人干嘛?
- 有個案子咯。不過你的生活挺不錯滴,算了吧,我找別人去。
- 等一下等一下。我需要這活兒啊,哥們,我欠著一屁股債呢。
- 你從來都欠著一屁股債的。
- 你什么意思嘛?
- 我的意思是我不敢說你是不是適合做這樁生意咯?;仡^會很難看的。
【口語講解】be in the hole
in the hole的字面意思很明顯,就是在洞里頭,這里是它的引申意思,表示欠債、賒賬。想想欠債的時候果然好像是蝸居在洞里的感覺吧?